Fungi of Switzerland | Volume 4

Agarics 2nd part
Introduction – glossary – Identification key – systematic part: Entolomataceae, Pluteaceae, Amanitaceae, Agaricaceae, Coprinaceae, Bolbitiaceae and Strophariaceae (according to the systematics of MOSER [1983] «Kleine Kryptogamenflora» Vol llb/2) – bibliography – index.
465 species with descriptions, habitat and collection data, drawings of microscopic features, and color photographs.
Printed on coated paper – 370 pages – sewn binding – laminated cover –
216 x 288 mm – 1.5 kg – ISBN 3-85604-240-7.
English edition 1995:
CHF 158.–
In the 35 years since the first volume was published in 1981, fungi science has made unimagined progress. The new methods of molecular gene analysis and the worldwide exchange of knowledge via internet led to a new view of the natural system of fungi and made profound taxonomic and nomenclatory changes necessary. Many species of fungi have now been assigned to other and above all newly created species, others have now been classified as misclassifications thanks to new findings, and some species can only be identified with the information in the books if these are supplemented by further clarifications.
For this reason, the Scientific Commission of the Mycological Society Lucerne has compiled a so-called reference file, listing the corrections for the fungi described in the series “Fungi of Switzerland”. The authors point out that these lists also represent only the current knowledge and are shaped by the personal opinions of recognized mycologists, which means that changes will occur again and again.